Need a small face mill for aluminum


I found a nice old used Sandvik 2" face mill that works fantastic in my Clausing 8520 for finishing and surfacing steel. Sandvik also offers an insert for aluminum for that same face mill. However I would like not to have to change inserts everytime I want to change so I am looking for a small (2-2.5") face mill with a 3/4" bore for finishing aluminum. I am tired of and not very good at grinding tooling for a fly cutter! My problem is I can't really seem to
decide on what to use as there are so many different types of inserts and face mill configurations - 90 degree, 45 degree, 75 Degree, inserts that are triangular, square, rectangular and round!! I realize the 90 degree for square shoulder, but all the others just confuse me. All I really want is a nice small face mill that can finish aluminum nicely in the size I have described. It would also be nice to be able to use all corners of the insert, not just half!
Can anyone give some advise or have any suggestions.

Unless you have some specialized machining on alum to do just use the inserts you have for steel and they will work fine. You will have to watch out for the alum is metling during the cut and attaching , gaulding? , to the inserts. Use a spray mist coolant on it and they will do just fine unless you just want a new cutter
I use the same inserts for both with my facemill and it works fine. I agree with phils69.

Have a great day!

Lots of people like the round inserts because as they dull, you just turn them enough to expose a fresh edge. If you only take shallow cuts, there are many lives on an insert used like that. But for square corners, of course, that won't work. For aluminum, I personally favor a low leading angle as long as I don't need a shoulder cut. generally, a positive rake angle is recommended for soft materials like aluminum, the temperatures stay lower and chip welding is less of a problem. That limits your choices considerably.
I don't have one of these, but have thought a bout purchasing one (and may do so in the future). I have one of their vices, and it is quite nice

From what I recall, the 45 degree face mills have the advantage of using square inserts, and letting you get more edges per insert. These will take the high positive rake inserts you want for aluminum, and the price is not too bad IMO (at least for the mill itself). Personally I would got for a 45 degree face mill unless you need to cut to a square corner.