[How do I?] need a little info please

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hey im trying to make a titanium nail for my friend with my little harborfreight mini lathe. and it will take a good if my DOC is .010 and at like .015 seems like its hard for it was just wondering if that was normal with titanium (grade 2 ). And i also need to make a little dish on one of the sides i was wondering how i can do that without a mill i seen in a enco catalog i have that theirs a MT2 end mill holder if that would maybe work for me if i threw it in the tailstock or would that be no good? and i also was wondering how you make the angled cuts in the middle of the nail im not sure you can even do it with a lathe but if someone could tell me how that is done i would be much appreciated..

View attachment 39572
^this attachment is what im trying to make^

oh and here is the model number if u want to see the endmill holder i was talking about (www.use-enco.com) model # 210-1122
An indication of size would be helpful. To make the angled cuts , looking helical, you will need a mill with an attachment to coordinate the longitudinal cut with the required rotation, not simple, and not possible on some mills. Titanium isn't a hard mtl., but quite tough, requires some getting used to.
the whole part is like 1 1/2 in by .600Width
what kind of milling attachments would be needed and what is the recommended mill ?
A 4 axes CNC mill would be the right tool. On a manuel mill it would take a small horiz. rotory table mounted on a vertical rotory table and atleast 3 hands to turn the cranks.and lots of skill
ok so i figure im going to change the helical cuts to just straight cuts, so it will be much simpler and i dont need the addons but will i be ok with puting that endmill holder in the tailstock? or is that just a no no
ok so i figure im going to change the helical cuts to just straight cuts, so it will be much simpler and i dont need the addons but will i be ok with puting that endmill holder in the tailstock? or is that just a no no

I'm not sure that the MT2 taper will be sufficient to retain the mill and holder as there's no provision in the tailstock for a drawbar.

That cut isn't happening on most manual lathes,if any. Can you just file in the angles with a needle file?
Showing my ignorance here, but is 'nail' code for 'chess piece', which is what it looks like to me?


Looks like a "Rook" to me. Something in the French adaption of Chess Pieces.

"Billy G" :thinking:
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