[How do I?] need a little info please


hey im trying to make a titanium nail for my friend with my little harborfreight mini lathe. and it will take a good if my DOC is .010 and at like .015 seems like its hard for it was just wondering if that was normal with titanium (grade 2 ). And i also need to make a little dish on one of the sides i was wondering how i can do that without a mill i seen in a enco catalog i have that theirs a MT2 end mill holder if that would maybe work for me if i threw it in the tailstock or would that be no good? and i also was wondering how you make the angled cuts in the middle of the nail im not sure you can even do it with a lathe but if someone could tell me how that is done i would be much appreciated..images.jpeg

oh and here is the model number if u want to see the endmill holder i was talking about (www.use-enco.com) model # 210-1122
