Need a class on collets.


Active User
Ok guys I got the grizzle g0704 and it has r8 collets does that mean that it only accept those or can they do others. Which leads me to this question can the g0704 be set up for a drawbar (i guess that is what it is called) that is hooked up to air for a quick change tool.

My opinion only here and welcome others but, I rarely use collets in a mill. For drilling, a good quality chuck works fine and for endmills, good quality endmill holders have the advantage of being able to change a tool w/o having to remove the holder. Also collets (depending on the quality of their metal) can get deformed from the pressures of cutting and can get damaged if the bit spins in-place. Endmills are notched and the setscrew in the holder prevents that from ever happening. And finally, collets will lower the mill head way down because they have no height profile and that makes the work area a little more cramped sometimes.

... Just a thought but, do indeed use what is available to you. -And have fun.

OK, first off, could I kindly request that when you ask about your Grizz tool/s to give a brief description of just what it is: "Grizz G0704 dove tail bench mill"
Many of us arent very familiar with just the model #

Any how, I looked it up and to answer what I know -- With an R-8, whatever you can put into an R-8 - and there are several methods. For instance, for eliminating the draw bar use, the ER system is my choice. I use an ER-40 set-up and love it.

On the power draw bar, Im sure it could be done, they have been mounted on bout everything using a HF impact wrench. Here a link to an installation that covers a mill similar to yours. It guided my install and saved my bu** several times.
thanks guys for the insight and sorry for just giving item numbers sometimes (a lot) i think people should know what i am talking about :))