Mystery Tools


Active User
Mar 30, 2014
I have these things I cant figure out what they are. They came with my machine when I bought it used, and I am finding lots of old and random stuff.

First one I have no idea. It kinda almost looks like a lathe tool holder. but I'm not sure. It has manchester on the top part. It looks like it may have been milled/modded at some point.




Next is some type of round tool with splines on one end. It has a hole in the top that looks like a rod would go through it to use as a handle. The splines are large and there is a small metal plate that kinda moves around ( in and out) a bit. You can kinda see it in the 2nd pic (its all the way out). Anyone have any idea? Some type of a key for turning something?


that manchester thing is a parting tool holder. from what i hear, they are legendary tools
Can't agree with either reply #2 or #3. My guess would be components of larger devices/tooling. Not useful tools in themselves.

Some reference as to scale might be useful. More pics of the first item disassembled and from the ends also.
The first may be a grooving or parting off tool holder but its hard to tell. The second just looks like some sort of splined shaft but again its hard to see in the pictures.
Gunrunner you need to order a set of these for the Z axis hand crank. Bill did you just spit coffee on your monitor? :rofl:

View attachment 253356
Well in all the stuff I have, the other part of the parting tool holder is definately not there. So Its pretty much worthless now. I bet finding to correct part would be like finding hens teeth.
The splined thing is definately not a broach. The black part of it is hollow tube, and lightweight at that. The splines are not hard steel either. I'm thinking it has to be some type of key for something. But for what, I dont know.