Most professional machinists will use a four jaw rather than a three in most cases, as with practice it is easier to get a piece accurate with a four jaw than it is with a three, I find the four jaw grips better, the time taken in changing from three to four and back when doing jobbing work combined with the extra weight of larger chucks on professional machines means it is often much quicker to center using a four jaw, finally in a professional shop you tend to find at least one moron that will damage three jaw chucks by clamping irregular stock in them as they don't realise or don't care about accuracy, so they just cant be trusted (the chucks or the morons
To reduce the drama of setting up dial indicators all the time I made an adaptor out of 12mm key steel that holds a dial indicator in one of my quick change tool post holders that way I simply drop the dial onto the post and I have it right where it needs to be for centring, without picking up swarf on my magnetic bases.
Best Regards