My JVM-942F might be an ENCO?


Sep 17, 2024
I recently bought a Jet JVM-942F Milling machine, it is my first mill and I want to know more about it. After posting on practical machinist I learned that maybe this mill was produced by ENCO in the 1980's. If anyone knows what model it could be under ENCO or if Jet changed anything that would be great! Also any information at all is more then welcome. Thank you!!
What kind of information are you looking for?

Operations should be the same as a Bridgeport, as should most of the maintenance.

H & W Machine has parts breakdowns and lots of technical info.

There may be some differences but most of the clone manufacturers pretty much copied Bridgeport.

If you want to ask specific questions post
them up here, it’s a very different place than the PM forum.

What kind of information are you looking for?

Operations should be the same as a Bridgeport, as should most of the maintenance.

H & W Machine has parts breakdowns and lots of technical info.

There may be some differences but most of the clone manufacturers pretty much copied Bridgeport.

If you want to ask specific questions post
them up here, it’s a very different place than the PM forum.

I am most interested in the getting date of manufacture and what the difference between model. I did finally sourced a manual for the 942&949f so that’s good at least!