I had a solar powered Mitutoyo 6" caliper that had jacked up inside anvils. I don't remember where exactly they came from but were free. I must be fat and cause a solar eclipse because every time I tried to use them, I blocked the light and they would go blank. So I stole other ideas and put them to good use. Just a mount held on the tailstock by magnets which was machined from some junky 2" cold roll I dug out of the dumpster at work. The calipers are also held with the same 12mm magnets you can get at Lowes or Ace and I assume plenty of other places. The corner should have been 93 degrees instead of 92 degrees and if I ever get a piece of aluminum, I will probably remake the entire setup as I'm not thrilled with the finish but it works. It is also angled 30 degrees to read easier.