Moving a New to ME - Machine - Jet Model 15 Mill/Drill


Active User
Dec 11, 2013
Ok - In a few days I'm about to go pickup a New to Me Jet Model 15 Mill/Drill.

I have VERY Limited Resources to move it and Very Limited Assistance.
Make that a Ford Escape with a cargo area in the back, fold down seats and one other person.

My thought is to remove the Milling Head assembly from the Column to make (2) much lighter pieces to move.
(also make them easier to move down the back Bilco Door Basement Steps.
Mfg's site says weights is 440 Lbs.

I've downloaded the manual and it looks like there is a simple stop collar that prevents the head from over travel on the rack.
Can anyone who owns one of these confirm that ?

My questions is: Is this a wise move or should I rent a pickup truck and pay for some additional help?

I understand that after I put the Head back on the column there will be some general alignment and zeroing work but the fact is it's a used machine not new and I suspect I'd be doing the same alignment work as checkout anyway.

What is the groups thoughts on this ?

All input welcome. - thanks in advance.
I have moved several of those, some fairly inhospitable locations. I think that weight estimate may be conservative. I believe those round column mill drills are 700#
I used a motor hoist to move them. The ideal is to pull that cap, drop a chain down the column, and secure the chain under the base. Can't always do that. Alternately lift from the top via straps down around the table. It's tricky. Don't try to lift from the head casting. You are basically pulling against that little top cap
Yes, that collar comes of with two Allen sets crews. That head assembly is very heavy and unwieldy. You would want to remove the motor first. If the machine is on the floor you may be able to lift it off. then pull the table. Those 4 pieces may be manageable with two healthy people