I don't know. According to the 33rd Edition, printed in 1988, the next previous printing was the 32nd edition printed in 1981 (no 1987 shown). And judging by the 25+ copies I own/owned plus over a hundred looked at on eBay, the only printed (as opposed to handwritten) date in any of them is on the copyright page on the back of the title page, which is right at the front of the book. And again AFAIK, the first edition to have the edition number printed in it was the 16th in 1955.
Did you by any chance mean 1937 instead of 1987? None of the previous printings all the way back to 1937 that I have seen only have "Copyright 1937" printed on the copyright page.
In any case, what you want for a TH54 is one of the five slightly different versions (which I've named Version 4) with Copyright 1937 on the copyright page. Specifically, the one that, on the front of the first printed page in Part 7 says "Atlas F-Series 10 Inch". Or one of the ones with nothing bound into Part 7 PLUS the 10F Threading Supplement. The 1955 16th edition will also do although it also covers the QCGB which you don't have.