Millrite Y Power Feed


Professional Fish Killer
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Sep 24, 2014
I just purchased a Burke Millrite with a 5" riser. After I bought it I was looking at the pictures a little closer and realized that the model I have coming has the 13" crossfeed capability. It will encroach an additional 5" into my limited space, but the extra crossfeed will be welcome. Can someone please recommend a Y axis crossfeed power drive for the Millrite? While we're at it, perhaps a power knee drive as well. I'm not lazy. I just have a bad back!
Bridgeport style power feeds fit the millrites, at least it did on my Powermatic millrite, Butnot a drop in, especially if you want to keep the dial. You will likely have to make an extension for the lead screw and maybe some other parts.