Milling a Sqare Hole


Active User
May 1, 2011
Pretty cool stuff from the Chinese:


Watch the slo-mo at about 1 minute in to see how it works.
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Damn crafty Japanese. Next thing you know they'll be making miniature TVs and things to take over the world. :p :biggrin:

I see it but bits don't make sense. :thinking:

Awesome stuff!
i think the chuck has a wabble adapter on it if you look close the chuck wabbles:thinking:
Do a search for "Watts drill," and you should get a good idea of how these things work.

This page of a thread on another forum has a good illustration:

You know how a two-lipped drill tends to want to make a three-lobed hole? Well, the Watts drill takes advantage of that tendency to wobble on the drill lip points, and, with a three-lipped cutter, chews out a pretty square hole. Other shapes can also be done that way, five, six, etc.

My favorite square and hex hole tool is the rotary broach:
A friend of mine sent me that same video. I can see a lot of practical uses for this but for now I use my square hole punch on my iron worker.
Do a quick Internet search for "Watts drill," and you'll find good explanations of how these things work. They've been around since 1918, and take advantage of the tendency of drills to wobble on the points of the cutting lips. You know, how a two-lipped drill tends to make a three-lobed hole.

Here's a good item from MakeZine, with a nice illustration:

Me, I make square holes with a rotary broach, like-a this:


There's a nice video on the Slater Tool Web site:


Yeh Yeh thats great But Im looking for a square drill that cut a round hole ............................ just kidding

Bill N
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