Mill x axis on table a bit tight


Active User
Feb 26, 2012
I neighbor of mine recently purchased a used very large mill to do automotive work on so he sold me his homemade mill (made from a drill press, he removed the thrust bearings and put load-bearings suitable for milling and has been milling with it successfuly now for about a year). I purchased it for $250, including a nice machinist vise (not shown on table).

Although the trip home in my pickup was just about a mile away, I noticed that when I set it up, the screw driving the left right x axis was tight, meaning that the handle still turned but it was stiff and a bit hard to turn. I completely loosened the 4 or 5 gib screws but that didn't really make a difference.

So the mill is still useable and goes thru its range so should I just live with it or is there some type trouble shooting steps I should take?

much thanks


DSC_5924.jpg DSC_5925.jpg
bit of swarf or gunk trapped in the x-axis lead screw? Can you remove the lead screw and table to clean it out. That'd be my first guess given what you've already tested.
Thanks, I'll try that this weekend, hoping nothing is bent
Nice setup looks like he knew what he was doing, posible just a lube issue? Any chance the gib got jammed? Best of luck.
Nice setup looks like he knew what he was doing, posible just a lube issue? Any chance the gib got jammed? Best of luck.

Thanks, after a few days, it settled down. Don't ask me why but it's working smoothly now. Yes, he did a great job with the mill for sure!

I've been cutting steel with it using conventional (it doesn't like climb milling) and found it takes bites of steel at 5 thou, which is pretty good depth for sure

I've got some high carbon steel I'd like to mill with a HSS endmill. Since I'm new at this, can high carbon steel be milled? It's RR spike.

Here's a photo of the beginning of a ball turner I started on yesterday
