mill speed ?


Active User
ok i just got a old mill drill got it lookin good about ready to play a bit
what is a good speed to start with for say mild steel , just a guestimate will do on rpm rang
I found this page that gives the whole way to calculate it.

They step through the math quite well and if your limmited in the number of different cutters you use their will only be a couple of calculations needed.

Hope that helps a bit.

also dont forget slower rpm needs slower feed rate. And high rpm needs higher feed rate.

carefull with the smaller milling cutters their most fragile (less than 10mm), I cant remember how many i managed to snap when i started with a milling machine.:shush:

Perhaps this may help just study it, although its a degree wheel calculator that I couldnt copy
you will get the idea.

cincinnati speed dial.jpg