Manual for Birmingham mill


Jan 9, 2020
So I purchased my first mill and got 2 questions:

- the mill is one of these models. How do I identify the exact model i have? I know its a 9x49 table, so that narrows it down to 2 possibilities


- I am looking for this manual in pdf format, preferably for free (dont know of this is a rule violation) . I have found a few for purchase online, but the quality seems to be very grainy on the cover, so I think the pages are no better. Found some free downloads but with strings attached or sketchy site. If anyone can share their .pdf that would be hugely appreciated!! If not then please share links to one I can buy that is of known good print quality.

It’s going to be a Bridgeport clone. HW machine is a great resource

Are you looking for something specific to your machine or just general info.

Hi Dave,
It is a BPV-3949-C if it is variable speed.
I would not recommend wasting your money on the printed manual. I did and it is of poor quality.
Thanks for all the feedback to everyone!
I still haven't found a manual specific to this machine so I'm going to keep trying! Being that it is my first mill and I dont have much Maintenance and Service knowledge I dont want to miss anything that isn't in the Bridgeport or other generic manuals.
Thanks for all the feedback to everyone!
I still haven't found a manual specific to this machine so I'm going to keep trying! Being that it is my first mill and I dont have much Maintenance and Service knowledge I dont want to miss anything that isn't in the Bridgeport or other generic manuals.
I doubt you can go wrong with standard Bridgeport maintenance, but if you come across anything you have questions about go ahead and ask here.

Also, remember that maintenance standards were written for machines running one or more shifts per day, every day....
