it,don't know what to do with it.


Sep 29, 2017
I got this from my father in law, but I do not know what actually to with it or how to use it. Can someone advise me. It looks like it is a product from down under, so maybe our Ausie members can shine a helpful light.

magnaflux is used to test for cracks in metal. Like after welding a structural part they will crack check the welds
NOT Magnaflux. Appears to be products used in a welding process not for crack checking. Google Magna 904 heat ban for more information.
Oh, the Magna-Flux compounds......can't help much on that. Similar names, unrelated usage.
Now, if their demagnetizer falls in your lap, that's something worth to get up and dance for.
Build a pair of rails and sled (really good with minimal ferrous parts) to run through the hoop, figuratively light years beyond the ordinary type found. They even have built in timers.
You have a welding flux used to put on the backside of the weld to protect the weld from oxidization on the backside of or root of the weld.
Which one of those two are the one you are referring to?
The #35 flux, the magna #104 is for heat protection for finishes when welding & preheating