"Machine Tool Reconditioning" book and Scraping Class sign-up sheet

Richard King 2

Master Machine Tool Rebuilder & Instructor
Former Member
Feb 1, 2018
I see Nelson has listed the Edward Connelly Book "Machine Tool Reconditioning" above you can down load. If you want a brand new hard copy, let me know as I am selling them. Send me a PM or fill in the Class sign up sheet and put Connelly Book where it says what class. I also have them on that popular site that sells stuff under Surface Plates or Biax.
Have a wonderful day :) tinyurl.com/kingway <----my signup sheet
Hi Rich, I bought my copy when books were still cheap -------- !
Yeah I have a copy a guy bought in 1956 for $10.75. I plan on selling it for (asking) 100 times that on Ebay :)
That sounds more like a "wishing price", rather than an "asking price", then there is the "selling price"; I see a lot of that on E Bay. There are certain items that I see that they have literally been listed for years, for the same ridiculous price.
I looked at my copy, in 1967, I paid $14.95; inflation considered, that is about the same money as is being asked for new copies today!
The one on this site is downloadable. You can't beat free. Even if you print it out it will be cheaper than any other source.
Amazing book. Tough haul to read, but quite educational. I’m glad I bought the actual book, though.
Particularly since it wakes me up every time it slips out of my hands while reading ....
I received my hard bound copy as a gift. Great book, must be read slowly to catch the nuances, figure out the lingo, and absorb the concepts. There is a wealth of information in the book. I have read it cover to cover, twice, and some sections multiple times.
I’ve read individual paragraphs a half dozen or so times ... usually with a glassy eyed stare, bit of drool, and a complete loss of short-term memory between iterations. (Laugh)
Yep, it can be like that. I can also be "AHAH!
mine is bedside also. great book