Lost the smoke in my saw motor


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I have a Craftsman power hacksaw that’s at least 50 years old. I’ve owned it for more than 30 myself. Yesterday the motor gave up. Tag shows a frame size of 45A. Evidently that’s now obsolete. It appears that a frame size 48H will fit. My question is what type of motor do I look for? A split phase of some sort? Capacitor start? Etc,etc….Any help greatly appreciated!
Because of the proximity to metal chips. You might want to switch to a Totally Enclosed Fan Cooled motor. Any one that matches the HP, speed and voltage with a base, should fit or easily adapted.
You could use a split phase or capacitor start. The cap start would have more starting torque but I don't think it would
matter for that application
I think though that cap start motors are generally easier to purchase these days, so I guess I'd go with one of those
Grainger has a good selection, but you might also find one locally thru the ads
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