Looking for YouTube advice


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H-M Platinum Supporter
Aug 29, 2019
I've been using YouTube to document some of my projects, but I also have a ton of still pictures that I would like to put on You tube. I'm pretty sure it can be done but I don't know how to do it. None of my videos are edited so I know very little about posting on You Tube. Any info or links/tutorials would be very much appreciated.
You can add a photo to the video and show that for a few seconds. The user can halt the video (space bar) to have a closer look.
It is however a lot of work and I don't think a lot of people will have the time to look at all the photo's.

You can put the photo's in a shared folder (Microsoft OneDrive, Google Photo's) and put a link to the photo's in the description of the video. That is not so much work and the user can browse the photo's.
You could make separate folders for different subjects and just link to the main folder.
Easier on a Mac, you just drop photos into iMovie, export and upload to YT. Editing isn’t difficult, just time consuming to figure out what to keep and what to delete (and getting rid of the “aaah’s” that happened when you are thinking about what to say).
You can download a movie maker for editing.
It will be a time consuming affair as you’ll be loading, sequencing, editing the final product, then uploading it to YT.
Anything worth sharing is worth the time investment !
You can download a movie maker for editing.
It will be a time consuming affair as you’ll be loading, sequencing, editing the final product, then uploading it to YT.
Anything worth sharing is worth the time investment !
At age 72 I am already in a race with time so the more time I spend restoring the machines the better the chances are that I will complete them so someone down the road can enjoy them. I would hate to leave them unfinished because they may just become scrap iron and I would haunt the person that scraps them. LOL
There are so many web sites out there that you could use. You-Tube seems to be mostly short movie clips.
Maybe Pinterest or MIX would be of interest to you.