Looking for some help understanding a shop drawing notation


Jan 28, 2024
First, thanks to everyone who have thrown some knowledge my way. I'm confident enough to dive into my insanely ambitious project of scaling up and building a Curta type 1 calculator. There is one question I have about a notation on the original 1950s shop drawings. There are a total of 7 items where the drawing notes a value can depend on the "Pos.". I assumed this meant position, but 6 of the 7 items only have 1 piece to create. This is an example of a washer where the thickness (unscaled) will range from 1.32 to 1.52mm. So there is position I can think of to which this would apply. One of the others is a steel ball, so it can't be that the value reflects changes in the thickness of the actual piece.

If it helps, the drawings are in German. I have also checked the drawings of the various sub-assemblies that these 7 pieces fit into and there is no indication of changes to dimensions based on where the components are placed. Anyone have any idea what this abbreviation might mean? Thanks.

Judging purely by the drawing, I’d say that Mass (Maß) „α” stands for dimension alpha and that the Greek letter is simply used to indicate a variable dimension.
Mass "a" means dimension "a" and Pos is position, so position 1 is 1.32 to 1.34mm thick. This could be a general drawing that is used for several different assemblies, so what you are working on might only use one or a few of the positions instead of all of them. Instead of making separate drawings for each size, it looks like they just consolidated them into one drawing.