Looking For Qc Gear Sources.


Jan 12, 2016
Hey all this is my first post, i have a Craftsman 12 inch lathe model 101.28980 with the QC gear set. When i bought it the drive gear was seized on the shaft and the little key broke off. this is one of the gears i need lol. However i don't want to spend $100 on a small 2o tooth gear.

The other gear is the larger 45 tooth gear on the other handle for the carriage feed it was missing 2 teeth. this is the one here.

i dont want to spend$240 on 2 small gears. any help would be appreciated. ive thought of turning the small gear into a keyway and putting a small key in there. let me know what you all think thanks in advance

look below for links. i am too new to this site to post links in my posts...
just a little machining required, thanks for the site. that last one will come in handy. and ive thought of grinding my own gears, however i dont want to spend the cash on a indexing head.
Atlas used to sell a little tool that went in the milling attachment for making gears. Or maybe it was blueprints, can't remember exactly. There's a not very good picture of it in one on the lathe manuals I've downloaded under the "attachments" chapter.

Basically a shaft in a bearing block.

One end had an indexing stop and you put the gear you wanted to replicate on that end. Your blank went on the other and you spun a gear cutter on an arbour that went between centers.the stop on the gear end would index the blank end and then it was just a matter of cutting. Handy little thing if you had enough of a gear left to replicate.

Would be pretty easy to make one of those little tools out of inexpensive scraps.

Assuming you already had the cutter and milling attachment that is....bit of money there.

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You might try giving Atlas (Clausing) a call. There prices are usually a lot cheaper than Sears. The gear cutting attachment was just a blue print and the still sell it. I recently purchased it and the price was around $5.00.
You might try giving Atlas (Clausing) a call. There prices are usually a lot cheaper than Sears. The gear cutting attachment was just a blue print and the still sell it. I recently purchased it and the price was around $5.00.
I actually wouldn't mind getting that.I was going to try and just build it from the picture, doesn't look too complicated.

Was it ground mailed to you or was it electronic?

Mailing stuff to Canada from the US can get sketchy (ie: pricey) depending on which way they send it....
If you purchase generic gears for the QCGB be aware that Atlas QCGBs have 16 dp gears on the left side of the box (internal gears), but the right side gears are 20 dp. (dp = Diametral Pitch).
