Looking for a quill scale for SX2.7 or LMS 5500


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Dec 27, 2019
Hi, I just upgraded my LMS 5500 (SX2.7) mill with X/Y scales/DRO. These mills come with a battery powered DRO/scale integrated into the quill assembly.
I recently saw a video from James (Clough42) where he changed out a similar DRO/scale on his Precision Matthews mill. I have been unable to find something that looks like what he is using. It is basically a drop-in replacement with no display and a cable for the output. I'm assuming that it would have to have quadrature encoding but I'm not sure. If anyone has some knowledge on this, I would really appreciate some advice. Thank you.
Maybe something like the igaging units that have remote displays? If not, can you post a screenshot of what you are talking about?

For the life of me, I cannot find a still image on the video again to post. It was apparently from DRO Pros and resembles the scale above but the read head was blue and paired up with their 4-axis Electronica DRO. They have it where they can sum a scale on the Z-axis adjustment and the quill. After having a large display of a DRO, they tiny LCD display of the quill scale/DRO is really tough to look at.
That's what happens when you have many years on your eyes. :)
Maybe something like the igaging units that have remote displays? If not, can you post a screenshot of what you are talking about?

View attachment 352876
After digging around, I found that James is using a DRO Pros EL404M 4-input DRO that will sum Z+U inputs so you can have a scale on the head and on the quill. I also confirmed that the iGaging/Accuremote style scales is the form factor that would go in the SX2.7 quill. My concern is that the above scale is probably not compatible with a normal quadrature glass scale. Is there a way to adapt the above style scale to work on a standard Chinese DRO input?
There are modules that you can plug 2 scales in to get axes summing say like if one only had a 3 axis DRO display. But I'm not aware of any converters that will allow you to use igaging style scales with a DRO display that uses glass/magnetic scales.

Maybe check out Yuriy's forum here or his website or ask him personally? Or check to see if his TouchDRO offers that feature which uses igaging scales.
There are modules that you can plug 2 scales in to get axes summing say like if one only had a 3 axis DRO display. But I'm not aware of any converters that will allow you to use igaging style scales with a DRO display that uses glass/magnetic scales.

Maybe check out Yuriy's forum here or his website or ask him personally? Or check to see if his TouchDRO offers that feature which uses igaging scales.
I sent an email to DRO Pros to see what they did for Clough42. I'm OK short term using my X+Y DRO but I'm not above tossing out my current display and going TouchDRO route with a hybrid sensor board.