Looking for a PDF Manual - B&S No 2 Surface Grinder late serial number (18210 and later)


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H-M Platinum Supporter
Feb 15, 2022
Hi Folks - per the title, I'm looking for a PDF version of the Brown & Sharp No 2 Surface Grinder Manual for machines that were built starting with serial number 18210 (roughly starting in the early 1950s). I've looked on Vintage Machinery and scoured the web already, but can't find this late model manual. I do have earlier versions of the manual, but not the one that is for my specific vintage of machine. One specific example of the difference is oiling the spindle. Mine is different than the prior generation and it's not completely obvious to me how to do it. There isn't an oil cup or any other opening in that area. While I can buy a paper copy from Ozark Tool, which is not a problem at all, I really like having my manuals in electronic format since I now keep most of my manuals and restoration logs on my laptop.

I bought the machine on Craigslist for $500 earlier this year. It actually sat on Craigslist for months. The pictures were horrible and it looked like a sad, lonely machine in a dark corner. I'm not surprised nobody wanted it. But what a gem. It's mostly complete and only needs a few oil cups replaced, a couple of bolts replaced that are incorrect, and also it is missing one of the special adjustor nuts that govern the crossfeed movement. I'll probably make the latter in my shop.

Anyway, if anyone has an electronic version of the manual, please let me know.
