LMS 4190 TouchDRO Question/Issue


Jul 9, 2023
Newly purchased and freshly setup my LMS 4190 mill and the dro/tablet that came with it. First the tablet wouldn't allow you to update software. Seems it was preloaded in China with an older version of TouchDro made for the Seig Mill. Pls correct me if I'm wrong. The tablet was not new OR the shipping wore some interesting swipe wear marks.

So I wasn't able to update the software on the included tablet, but I could load the up to date version on my android/amazon tablet.
Connection and get basic functionality ok.
Was not able to choose datum for inside holes. It was not visible.
Also no option available for electronic touch probe.
Did not see additional sensor options in plain sight on the circuit board.

The scales are fine. Very responsive.

My question is can I upgrade the hardware with the TouchDRO hardware, re-patch the 4190 existing wiring into the new board, then move on with my life. Has anyone done any hardware upgrade such as this? I accept that I may have to take a certain leap of faith that since the existing magnetic scales work, I should be able to wire it up to new hardware. At least that is my plan. Thoughts?
LMS/SIEG adapter is a copy of the very old version of TouchDRO DIY kit (before there was probe support). LMS scales are compatible with TouchDRO, so you shouldn't have any problems there. You will need to add D-Sub connectors, since SIEG wires their scales directly into the board via screw terminals. There isn't much of a leap of faith. The scale head should have the wire functions marked on them, and the board has inputs labels, IIRC.

As far as the datum for the holes, to get the "full" dialog, you need to long-press the function button. This si covered in the manual here: https://www.touchdro.com/resources/dro-manual/hole-circle-function.html

What would be the proper kit for the LMS 4190? Adapter for Glass v2 or DOY DRO Kit? I did not see any options to add the D-Sub connectors, hence my question on which kit. I have no problem soldering if that is part of anything.
LMS/SIEG adapter is a copy of the very old version of TouchDRO DIY kit (before there was probe support). LMS scales are compatible with TouchDRO, so you shouldn't have any problems there. You will need to add D-Sub connectors, since SIEG wires their scales directly into the board via screw terminals. There isn't much of a leap of faith. The scale head should have the wire functions marked on them, and the board has inputs labels, IIRC.

As far as the datum for the holes, to get the "full" dialog, you need to long-press the function button. This si covered in the manual here: https://www.touchdro.com/resources/dro-manual/hole-circle-function.html

Yuriy, i'm confused are you providing support to a knockoff of your equipment?
just curious, if you are then my hat is off to you.
Umm, I want to buy his equipment to replace what came with my new mill.
What part of which is confusing?
Or am I not a customer unless I purchase a full system by throwing everything out to start over again?
Or maybe I'm confused.
This is my first mill. Bought it with the DRO option. Once I got it I saw how it was using outdated software AND the tablet it came on looked like it went thru a barbwire fence.
Found TouchDRO. Saw it was not only software, but hardware and here I ended up.
Just trying to swap out a piece of **** hardware the LMS is selling, out of date unit for Yuri's new hardware.
Was that too confusing?
Umm, I want to buy his equipment to replace what came with my new mill.
What part of which is confusing?
Or am I not a customer unless I purchase a full system by throwing everything out to start over again?
Or maybe I'm confused.
This is my first mill. Bought it with the DRO option. Once I got it I saw how it was using outdated software AND the tablet it came on looked like it went thru a barbwire fence.
Found TouchDRO. Saw it was not only software, but hardware and here I ended up.
Just trying to swap out a piece of **** hardware the LMS is selling, out of date unit for Yuri's new hardware.
Was that too confusing?
yes i got from your message that you had bought a knockoff of Yuri's design and that he was providing support to the LMS sold knockoff. the comment was not about you per say and if you are having problems with something you bought by all means take whatever steps you feel are needed to fix it, I would do the same.
My comment was directed at Yuri as a hats off for providing support for some other manufacturers equipment that is a knockoff of his design, I know of a lot of other manufacturers that would not even answer your questions.
Try not to take things personally, sometimes like in this case, it is not about you. I also was interested in the info that indicated that LMS was selling knockoffs of Yuri's design and would still like to know if that is true?

after rereading my original commit feel that the above was fairly clear in the original so i'm confused as to why you took it the way you did.
Yuriy, i'm confused are you providing support to a knockoff of your equipment?
just curious, if you are then my hat is off to you.
Well, LMS/SIEG thing pisses me off real good
If it's a hardware issue with their adapter, I usually tell people to go to LMS for support, but I don't want to be a jerk to people who try to use TouchDRO app.
Well, LMS/SIEG thing pisses me off real good
If it's a hardware issue with their adapter, I usually tell people to go to LMS for support, but I don't want to be a jerk to people who try to use TouchDRO app.
thanks for the response and my hat is off to you for providing the support that you do. that would **** the heck out of me also. have you thought of tying your software to your hardware?
I'm surprised that LMS would rip you off like that, i (did) have a higher opinion of them