Learned a ton about my EDM today


Sep 3, 2020
My friend and machinist mentor and I bought a hole making EDM many years ago out of a guys basement for $200.

My friend made lots of stuff with it, but one of the coolest was screwdriver hex bits designed to remove the tamper proof screws in Microtech knives. They were so good that Microtech used his screwdriver bits in production for several years. Now they sell their own screwdriver bits.

He bought a much nicer die sinker edm and he passed this edm off to me.

In this video you can see it in action, set up on my ancient drill press.

My friend recommended distilled water, but i started out with regular well water for experimentation. I started out recirculating the water....why? No idea...pretty dumb idea. It's water.

This was my first successful burn. You can see that the dirty well water caused erosion around the hole. The burn was very intermittent with a lot of retractions. It took two hours to get through this 1/4" tool bit. Medium setting. Used about 5 gallons of water. 1/8" hollow brass electrode.



Then I tried a piece of carbide with dirty recirculated water....more later.

So. I drove 18 miles to Walmart and bought distilled water. It took a bit to get the burn started with distilled water, but once it got going, the burn was almost continuous. It took 30 minutes to start to break through the bottom. The old edm tends to get slightly confused as it break through. It wasted another 6 minutes finally busting through completely. Used approximately 1 1/2 gallons of water.


Freakin amazing.

This is the cemented carbide I burned. The big ugly hole took 2 1/2 hours and I fought with it. The constant retractions and long burn just destroyed the hole.

The perfect circle was medium setting with distilled water. The carbide ate about an inch of electrode. I ran out of electrode before i broke through so I had to stop. It took 50 minutes. Used around 1 gallon of distilled water. It cut so beautifully.


I'm working on buying some electrodes of different sizes for burning out taps. Both copper and brass.

I learned a ton. It was so exciting to see it run well. Now I'm slowly starting to get a feel for getting a nice continuous burn. I look forward to the challenge of burning out my first tap.

I'm going to look for a floor standing drill press with a large table to leave the edm set up. On my old drill press I really only have 8'-10" to work with.

I'm super happy so far.
A friend of mine has an ancient Japax branded CNC wire and sink EDM machine. He's been trying to get it back online for years. Problem is, the control is so ancient, the machine reads commands from magnetic tape cartridges (I think they are standard cassettes, but I'm not 100% sure) that are programmed in an external module. Kind of perforated cards, just electronic.

Since I have no experience with EDMs myself, I've always been unsure as to what would be needed to modernize the machine. I still don't understand where the motion control system (the "CNC" part) stops and where the EDM module begin. I wish I could just disconnect the magnetic head circuitry and just issue commands externally but there is no documentation whatsoever.

Can you describe what your EDM module does?
A friend of mine has an ancient Japax branded CNC wire and sink EDM machine. He's been trying to get it back online for years. Problem is, the control is so ancient, the machine reads commands from magnetic tape cartridges (I think they are standard cassettes, but I'm not 100% sure) that are programmed in an external module. Kind of perforated cards, just electronic.

Since I have no experience with EDMs myself, I've always been unsure as to what would be needed to modernize the machine. I still don't understand where the motion control system (the "CNC" part) stops and where the EDM module begin. I wish I could just disconnect the magnetic head circuitry and just issue commands externally but there is no documentation whatsoever.

Can you describe what your EDM module does?
This edm is almost the simplest possible. The control senses a short and backs off until it's gone and then moves back in. It tries to maintain the burn rate set by the feed pot.

My friend made an edm out of capacitors and light bulbs. It had three ranges: light speed, ridiculous speed, and ludicrous speed....

He ground the letters of a punch and we burned a bat symbol into it for my hallmark as a tool and die machinist.
De-ionized water is what you really want, but where to get it or how to make it I have no idea. We just go to the lab and ask for a couple gallons and they tap it off for us.
De-ionized water is what you really want, but where to get it or how to make it I have no idea. We just go to the lab and ask for a couple gallons and they tap it off for us.
It worked so well with distilled water i don't see the need to buy $15 a gallon deionized water. The difference is 0.5 ppm vs 0.
It worked so well with distilled water i don't see the need to buy $15 a gallon deionized water. The difference is 0.5 ppm vs 0.
Damn, no idea the price shot up that high.

We have had to buy it is the past, but it was no where near that price. We did get it in 4gal totes and bought it by the skid.

It can really make a big difference in a wire machine, but it is also filtered and recirculated.

Our current machine makes its own with just a monthly overnight cycle.

I’m guessing you’re running a total loss system?
Damn, no idea the price shot up that high.

We have had to buy it is the past, but it was no where near that price. We did get it in 4gal totes and bought it by the skid.

It can really make a big difference in a wire machine, but it is also filtered and recirculated.

Our current machine makes its own with just a monthly overnight cycle.

I’m guessing you’re running a total loss system?
Yeah. I'm just tossing it in the driveway
Lol. For the few times a year I'll need it, trying to filter the water seems needless
De-ionized water is what you really want, but where to get it or how to make it I have no idea. We just go to the lab and ask for a couple gallons and they tap it off for us.

Drop in to a local saltwater aquarium store. They will have a huge tank of RODI they sell people. It was pretty cheap at the time, 5 gallons was something like $10. It was bring your own container, but those 5 gallon water bottles are pretty cheap and reusable.

The filter to make it is also not too bad. It's just a normal reverse osmosis setup with an extra post-RO cartridge for the DI stage. If you already have a filter, you can get a standalone canister and add the DI on a valve to re-use the existing setup. I remember reading at the time that the DI stage was not guaranteed food-safe, so they didn't recommend putting it on a drinking water setup. Might just be laywer stuff, but just in case. Ultra pure water isn't great for you to drink anyway. Drinking systems usually have a mineral cartridge for that and taste. So you can pay to strip it all out, and to put some back in!