I'm going to be changing to a treadmill motor on my lathe and have been reading about cutting speeds. Using a SFM to RPM calculator and the numbers I got from a SFM chart I saw SFM numbers for different materials I might want to work ranging from 26 for roughing steel to 3300 for finishing Aluminum. I ran the numbers for 1/4" diameter and 5" diameter (that's what I can swing over the carriage) using both the minimum and the maximum listed above and came up with a range of 19 RPM to 50,400 RPM to cover the listed SFM's and sizes. Obviously this is well beyond reality so I'm wondering what the max RPM you guys would recommend for an old (110 year old) split brass bearing lathe would be?
The way it was set up when I got it it's 3 speeds are 380 RPM, 640 RPM and 1060 RPM plus back gears, I didn't measure it with the back gears in.
I would also be interested in seeing pictures of your motor and drive setups on old lathes if you are willing to share.
The way it was set up when I got it it's 3 speeds are 380 RPM, 640 RPM and 1060 RPM plus back gears, I didn't measure it with the back gears in.
I would also be interested in seeing pictures of your motor and drive setups on old lathes if you are willing to share.