Lathe Insert Tooling


H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Feb 16, 2021
Hi, I am looking at getting a variety of insert lathe tooling and am wanting opinion on my choices. I would like one stop shopping and have the items shown in the picture in the cart at Lathe This will be for a 5hp 16x40 Acra lathe. I already have a WNMG insert tool and lots of HSS. Insert Lathe Tools.JPG

Thanks for any help.
The quality of the carbide makes all the difference in the world. A 6.99$ insert will make you think that carbide is inferior to HSS when working slow or taking light cuts. A 20$ name brand insert is worlds apart. If you want high quality cuts, without the expense of high end insere. Get high end brazed carbide tool bits, and lean to sharpen them with a si-carbide wheel and Dimond EZ laps
I assume you're using a CXA post ? If you are looking for any tooling , I have a ship load down the basement . My large lathes are gone and won't be coming back . Send me a PM if you want .
Send mmcmdl that email...

I have 50+ toolholders, there's no such thing as a "complete" setup, but the styles you've selected are a good start.

I haven't dealt with, so I can't tell what quality you'll receive. There are some remarkably good cheap inserts available, but also a lot of trash. I'd look for someone with experience with the particular insert(s) you're considering before pulling the trigger. A poor insert can be an exercise in frustration and a waste of even the small investment. That said, if you can find some decent cheap inserts (and, again, I'm not saying the ones you've selected are bad - I just don't know) then I think that's the right way to get started. Make your mistakes and bust your edges on the cheap stuff before shelling out $20+ per insert for the really good stuff. Along the way if you discover that a $1 insert works well for you, stick with it. The inserts I use range from less than a dollar to more than $30 a pop. I've found some really, really good cheap inserts (but also a lot of junk) and there are a few places (like CCMT and WNMG) where I just haven't found anything nearly as good as the brand-name stuff.

The insert holder should be given due consideration as well. The 'pro' stuff usually has a replaceable 'seat' (shim, whatsit, I don't recall the correct term) a lot of the cheaper stuff does not. Not necessarily a deal killer, but if you think you're going to ride it hard, you probably want the design with the 'seat'.

My advice would be to temper your initial order. Maybe get a RH CCMT holder and a few inserts and see how it works out for you. If your CCMT's are crumbling or easily chipped, or just don't perform, you can give up on anything else in that line performing well (CCMT are pretty tough compared to other shapes).

It's human nature to want to buy it all now, but it's wasted money if it's all garbage...

The 'pro' stuff usually has a replaceable 'seat' (shim, whatsit, I don't recall the correct term) a lot of the cheaper stuff does not.
You got it Gene . Insert seat . ;)
I appreciate the feedback. I was hoping someone would have experience with some of the tools they offer and defiantly understand the potential for questionable quality. Any specific recommendation on where to buy quality tool holders and inserts?

send the PM to mmcmdl as he has quality stuff that he's trying to unload. Win Win. Click on his name and then start conversation.
I second what Gene said about good brazed carbide. eBay new old stock is abundant and cheap, and it lasts a very, very long time on a manual lathe. Handles tough and dirty material too. Can be ground and honed like a razor and doesn't really chip. Sure, flood coolant and high speed machining have made them obsolete in production, but manual is manual, and they're the pinnacle at that.