lathe facing small parts


I have 2 aluminium cast housings for a circular delrin acme nut. I made them previously without a lathe now I have a lathe I want to true them up.
Can I face the pieces so they sit flat and importantly the hole through them to be perpendicular to the face, without taking material out of the hole? I suppose I could cut some out of the hole also but then I would have to sleeve it so the delrin still fit inside but I am curious to see if it is possible to do but just facing the piece? thanks:))
Hard to visualize the part with no pix,but could you mount the parts with a snug or expanding mandrel through the hole,and face the ends while holding the part on the mandrel between centers? Take very light cuts so as to not make the part slip and you'll be o.k.,and have faces dead square to the hole.
So, to clarify, you want to make the face perpendicular to the bore, without removing material from the bore?

I think it's doable. You will need to have either a 4jaw chuck, or faceplate. You will want to center the part by putting a dial indicator or dial test indicator in the bore. Make sure it is concentric, and there is no wobble. You may have to use shims if the body of the piece is not parallel with the bore. It is very fiddly work, so take your time, and check with the indicator often. Once you have it aligned, take light cuts to true of the face.