Lathe 24" swing x 120" long - $10000

With free belt/disk sander...
If it doesn't come with a room crane for loading/unloading I guess I'm not interested. Plus, I think my shop would tip over. :grin:
I think there's at least one if not two extra zeros in that price. We had a similar size American Pacemaker in the shop where I worked. When the shop closed it didn't sell. Finally one of the machinists that had his own commercial shop bought it for scrap value.

There are 7 similar size machines listed for similar prices on eBay. When you search sold items none appear at any price.
I just though it was cool that I found a 10' lathe and a 2" lathe on the same search yesterday....

I'll just zip over there with my Tacoma, wave some dollar bills, and load it up :)
I'll just zip over there with my Tacoma, wave some dollar bills, and load it up :)

Good thing you're in the middle of the Pacific Ocean;)

It'll probably go for a lot less than 10 grand and if I still had a huge pole barn I'd be over there offering $500. But, my shop is tiny and cash flow isn't so great right now. Hope it goes to someone who will use it rather than eventually getting scrapped.

I'll just zip over there with my Tacoma, wave some dollar bills, and load it up :)

I think you’re going to have to put across the bed. Bring tie-downs. :D

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