Knurling pitch ??


Active User
How does one tell the pitch of knurling
wheels? Are they marked some how?
Need to know, Snugrat:anyone:
Most of my knurls have the maker's name and model number on them. You simply go to the manufacturer's site and look up that model to get all the info you need on that set of knurls.
Here you go... Everthing you ever wanted to know.

BTW: It's basically TPI. Roll it out on paper to make indentations and carefully count-out several inches worth. Measure precisely and divide count by distance.

Cheap and uneven knurl wheels are just that. Cheap and inaccurate. The ones for a few bucks have uneven slot spacing and I've had more than one with slightly off-centered holes. When you get into the $20-30 range, those annoyances go away. For many things though, cheap wheels work ok unless you want cosmetically perfect outcome.


Most of my knurls have the maker's name and model number on them. You simply go to the manufacturer's site and look up that model to get all the info you need on that set of knurls.
Thanks guys! I will give the math way a try.
Guess and bygosh doesn't work to well.
Got a lot to learn. Snugrat
So, whats the best way to get a nice even knurl pattern? Assuming we have a good knurl, a 12 pitch lets say, do you set the crossfeed tpi on the lathe to 12tpi and proceed as if you are threading the piece?

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I've never heard of using auto-feed on manual lathes to do knurling -but that's not to say it cannot be done. Certainly there are screw machines and/or CNC setups to do knurling but, I'm not familiar with those procedures.

If you follow that thread mentioned down below, it should provide some good insight about manual knurling techniqes and I know I posted several links to YouTube videos with good demonstrations. ... It takes proper setup and a little practice.

So, whats the best way to get a nice even knurl pattern? Assuming we have a good knurl, a 12 pitch lets say, do you set the crossfeed tpi on the lathe to 12tpi and proceed as if you are threading the piece?

Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk 2
Hey Thanks Ray. I guess i missed that link. Thats the kind of info I was looking for.:))