I saw this Youtube video yesterday, and I'm curious what people think of the alternative King Way way rest design here. I like the points he makes about the adjustable way rest, and I think that it should be fine once you have an indicator plus a set of level vials.
For example, if I'm measuring a banana shaped lathe way on a fairly well leveled lathe, the level vials should measure similar dips in the ways as the indicator does, and if I can get the readings to repeat over a couple of passes along the way surface, can I trust that measurement? The worry would be that the joint would slip and the two sides would spread out, or in the alternative, that the rods would flex more than the original King Way way rest would have and that that would allow plural tenths of movement in the indicator.
Finally, as a sort of separate discussion, I'm still wrapping my brain around how to build the end fingers using solely manual machines without incredibly complicated rotary table work. I'm thinking something like using a 3" diameter chunk of material, slit the ends in 2 lines 90* apart with a super spacer (I have one, and it's way easier to set up vs. the rotary table), part or saw the end off of the rod. Then, machine each side flat, drill the two holes and file the ends round and under the size of the drill bushings so as to ensure that you only bear on the bushings. Does that seem like an efficient order of operations? If not, what would you guys do instead?