Keyway slot on a lathe.


Oct 7, 2024
Is it possible to use the power-feed or screw cutting leadscrew to cut an internal keyway on the inside of a bored hole. Obviously taking the head out of gear, but still running the gearbox drive to advance the tool. A bit like a shaper. I have a Harrison M300.... which I think should be able to do it. Has anyone any experience of doing this? My other option is to do it in the Bridgeport using the power feed to advance the tool inside the bore.....?
You won't need the powerfeed. For the depth of cut you are going to be limited to, just lock the lathe in gear so the spindle doesn't move and use the hand wheel.
Ah. I suppose I thought it may take some time but it is in ali and only about 4" long. So not too much winding anyhow.

Thanks guys :)
The power feed won't work without the spindle being engaged anyway.....
Sounds like a great way to unduly wear or break something. At work we had two lathes (American Pacemaker) that we used the rapid travel to cut oil grooves in bushings, worked fine!
You can do it but I'd just use the hand wheel, not the power feed. The gearing isn't designed for that sort of thing and may cause problems.
I’m wondering how you’d have the power feed with the carriage without the spindle/chuck spinning???
I’m wondering how you’d have the power feed with the carriage without the spindle/chuck spinning???
Not suggesting this is a good idea but, I use an independent brushless DC gearmotor to run my power feed leadscrew. The leadscrew speed control software is aware of the z-axis position (linear encoder) and spindle RPM (rotary encoder) in near real-time, this makes it easy to specify a feed rate (IPR), determined from a speed & feed calculator lets say, manage the leadscrew rpm. I wouldn't try cutting threads with it but, technically it's happy to power feed regardless of what the spindle may be doing, if required.
I’m wondering how you’d have the power feed with the carriage without the spindle/chuck spinning???
Depends on the lathe. Power feed on my lathe is independent of the spindle and leadscrew.
