A few weeks back I went to a garage sale. In the Craigslist ad he listed machinist tools, but you had to ask. When I got there asked him about them, and he showed them to me and priced them out. Little bit more than I had at the time, but he offered his number for me to call and check when I had the funds. I called this weekend and went and went and got them today. The auctions slowed down a bit and left me the extra funds for it. I took a quick glance when I first looked at it, but nothing in depth. I knew the boxes were worth what he was asking for them. I got the boxes home today, and was really surpirsed. I got one of those killer deals, and I am very happy. Actually got a few things I really needed, and alot of things that are nice to have, but dont want to spend excess money on. Here's the photos.
Really happy with this buy. Filled in alot of empty slots in tools, and things I want but could not see spending the funds presntly.
Really happy with this buy. Filled in alot of empty slots in tools, and things I want but could not see spending the funds presntly.