I bought a Kennedy 360, 10 drawer tool box off Craigslist. Unlike eBay, I was able to see it firsthand. He was asking $60, I paid $55. It had some rust on the bottom, front. The paint had pealed, so... I wasn't too concerned with looks, so not a big deal. Some of the drawers had metal residue, or something. They were a hassle to clean, but nothing Greased Lightning couldn't handle.
I cut some felt and lined all of the drawers, so it's nice enough. But the drawers don't operate nearly as smooth as I'd hoped. In fact, if you push the larger ones in the middle, they'll torque a bit. I really need to use two hands to close them evenly. The tracks don't seem to have dirt in them, but can the drawers be removed without harm? I'm thinking of oiling them, but would prefer to clean the tracks first. I'll take a blower to them and see if any dirt comes out.
To be honest, my old, cheap Craftsman box has better drawers and they aren't ball bearing drawers either. I used that Craftsman for a few years, full time in an auto shop, back in 1995 and have had it in my home garage since then. The Kennedy just doesn't seem to be the same quality, even if it was abused.
I cut some felt and lined all of the drawers, so it's nice enough. But the drawers don't operate nearly as smooth as I'd hoped. In fact, if you push the larger ones in the middle, they'll torque a bit. I really need to use two hands to close them evenly. The tracks don't seem to have dirt in them, but can the drawers be removed without harm? I'm thinking of oiling them, but would prefer to clean the tracks first. I'll take a blower to them and see if any dirt comes out.
To be honest, my old, cheap Craftsman box has better drawers and they aren't ball bearing drawers either. I used that Craftsman for a few years, full time in an auto shop, back in 1995 and have had it in my home garage since then. The Kennedy just doesn't seem to be the same quality, even if it was abused.