Just ordered a 3 jaw chuck


Active User
Feb 14, 2014
Hello gang,
I just ordered this chuck from shars.com. http://www.shars.com/products/view/...entering_Scroll_Lathe_Chucks_D16_2_Piece_Jaws

I was reading a post about shars chucks here somewhere and they were talking good about them. I have to save some dough and this guy was cheap.

When they speak of chuck run out in the specs, this one says .0039". I saw some 800.00 chucks going @ about .0015". Do you think runout in the chuck will cause me any issues? I am new at this. This is the first 3 jaw I've bought. I cant say how old or balanced the 12" 4 jaw is that came with it.

Anyways, I was mainly fishing for comments on the chuck that I just ordered. See what experiences you may have with this companies chucks.

Thanks for the look,
Dan Reed
I'm totally baffled when any manufacturer cites runout specs and doesn't specify what area is being measured. If this is a chuck requiring a backplate that you must install, the RO (regardless of where it's measured from) will depend on how you fit the chuck to the back and how you fit the back to the spindle.

You can take a chuck that runs perfectly on one lathe and find it runs terribly on another. I've seen this many times so, given this, I have no idea how an accuracy spec applies to chucks.

In any event, I've written a whole bunch of things here about fitting chucks so if you search for that topic, you'll find a lot of info.

I've got a three jaw import on the Logan that I managed (how I'm not sure) to get it within .0015 at 6" on a Ø.75 shaft, which fits my needs.
I thing I have noticed with it though is that I have gotten in the habit of, when placing the work piece in it of tightening it then just barely releasing it,
and re-tightening it again. That seems to help 'seat' the work piece for some odd reason. The scroll is not the smoothest acting.

Off to read Ray's guides now, or, perhaps over coffee in the morning.
