Just for fun

aaaaaahhhh yes the turners cube!

That's on my "someday" list too.

By the way, the lack of responses may be due to your original post showing up with the dreaded red X's in place of all the pictures.

I am using this workaround to view them:

I do not use "tap-a-talk", but I understand that there is also a workaround for posting:

Always wanted to make one, but couldn't figure out how it was done.
Turn/mill a cube. Drill a small hole through the center of each face (three, all the way through). Bore with a tiny (3/16) boring bar in the right places. Sounds simple. Tain't.
I guess I need to get me a Boring head for the mill next.
It takes a little bit of math, which has always been my weak spot. I found some really good step by step instructions thru google, ad well ad some videos.

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roadie, the only thing i used the mill for was to square up the outer cube. All else was done on my Southbend 9A with a four jaw chuck.

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There is a video out there using a piece of tubing to hold the square, speeds the process up considerably.
Yep. Saw that. I just didnt have any tubing large enough for my 2" cube.

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