Just bought a 1988 Jet 6x26, parts info wanted


Oct 12, 2012
I will pick up the machine this weekend. I was told there was a parts supplier in Portland, Oregon that could get "any parts for this machine". I have not found that business, does anyone else know of them? I'll need a motor pulley, but will likely cast a blank and machine my own, still, I'd like a local source of parts. The X axis leadscrew nut may need attention...

suprised hoy little there is out there about old jet lathes. I have the same problem with a jet818P.
You're welcome, just tryin to help. What one finds useless another might find helpful. Have fun.

"Billy G"
Have you tried locating an outlet thru this link yet?


"Billy G"

Thanks Billy G! I had looked on that site for dealers, after I got back in town and saw your post, I looked again under submenu "Service centers". There are 4 in Portland, so I'll call soon and see what luck I have.

Both leadscrews and nuts are worn, but a DRO will reduce that problem - however, the knee tilts down in front by .006" over a 10 inch sweep. I've more work to do to determine if the gib is worn beyond adjustment, or if the knee is worn so badly it tilts. If the knee is worn, I may have to decide whether it's worth trying to fix it.
everything I put in comes up as 0 found

You also need to find a service center. Once you have that just call them and they will tell you what is available. What is happening is you are typing in out of service things. No longer made will show up as a big fat "0". Talk to the oldest guy there. Most can cross reference in their heads. Good luck.

"Billy G"