John Stirk and Sons Way Grinder

Martin W

H-M Supporter - Gold Member
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Mar 26, 2014
found this interesting. No affiliation.

That's one to preserve. Quick, somebody with space snatch it up before the scrappers come calling....
Magnificent tool. Could be owned just to admire.
Maybe we could all chip in, and then rotate it between those that are restoring a lathe. Like a tool loaner program.
If I had money and a big shop.......
Maybe we could all chip in, and then rotate it between those that are restoring a lathe. Like a tool loaner program.
Or we could all pitch in and each take a piece home. Maybe cut the bed into lengths that would fit into a small truck and then pin it back together.
I have seen this shops equipment for sale for a while now. This shop had some pretty neat equipment. There is also a Rockford planer, a real nice Cincinnati Mill, Horizontal boring mills. All big US built machines. Too big for a hobby shop, but neat none the less.
Maybe we could all chip in, and then rotate it between those that are restoring a lathe. Like a tool loaner program.
not only lathes, anything with ways. I'm not even sure there are that many machines like that left anywhere. Wouldn't make more sense if it was more like a timeshare? You'd bring your lathe/mill/shaper/planer to where the thing was set up and some kind of resident caretaker/operator would help you set it up and how to operate. Set it up centrally in the Midwest. This is going to be criminal if that thing goes to the scrapper.
I wonder if someone like Richard King would be interested???