I've Been Told By A Staff Member Here That I Officially "suck"


Dan, Retired old fart
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Jul 5, 2014
An unnamed staff "member" here told me today I suck. I take that as high praise coming from this certain staff member.

All this just because I scored a Blake Co-Ax for $50 of CL?

Now this "unnamed" staff member could have gotten it.................but you snooze you loose......right :)

So now I have two of these, does that make me a tool junkie because I now have a backup since I use it several times a week in my business????????

Should I enroll in a 12 step program to cure my addiction?


20150412_133747.jpg Old and new together. 20150412_140816.jpg
If i knew you just a little better, i'd tell you that you suck too!!!
no , just because you have 2 it doesn't make you a junkie.
if you have 3 of everything, like me, it makes you a tool hoarder :)
Nice score. I never find any good deals around here. :you suck:
I wondered who was hogging all the good craigslist deals in Vancouver.

:you suck:
Wow! That's an elaborate, in-your-face tool gloat. Well done.

BTW, ... aw, you know ...
Wow, 5 "you suck" and a wanna be you suck. All in one day. Must be a record I think.

Hmmmmm.............................let me guess what member here I should pass it on to???????

I may have to go through the 12 steps before I'm ready to sell it. The two of them look comfy together in my tool box. Not sure if I want to break them up.

And this wasn't in Vancouver, it was in Portland. Yeah...................I know..............splitting hairs right?

Thanks Hawkeye...................if your gonna gloat..............then gloat!!!!!!!!
Yuuuuupp!!! Staff member was right, you suck! There, now you've got six!

In reality, nice find! Looks like it was never used.
You already had one, you were supposed to send out the notice so those of us that did not have one could catch up.
(good score) Oh, by the way make that number 7.