IT'S ARRIVED N my shipment from CHINA

Congrats Tom!!!! What a great machine and all the tools will be a great head start too. So feel free to gloat away, just remember no pics means it didn't really happen. Have fun with your new stuff and show us some projects soon.
I'll bet your UPS guy takes tomorrow off. :phew:

New machinery is fun. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.

Congrats on the new toy,you ought to have a lot of fun setting up and playin with it. Did it come with a taper attachment?
Good to see it made it there and it also looks like a heck of a value for the money. Heck, a guy could go through four grand just getting all the accessories. I'll look forward to when you get it up and running.

Very nice! I don't want to rain on your parade, but I have heard some horror stories of new lathes from China having core sand still in the headstock gear cases. You might want to have a look inside before running.