It's All Gone To Hell


Active User
Aug 26, 2013
Please rdean I need your help once again.
That's right everything I had done up until now has added up to nothing. I was being helped by some members of the Vectric forum and I'm afraid they might have unknowingly steered my wrong. They had the nuts to suggest I had no right to be doing what I'm trying to do, and suggested I was not computer savvy enough!! They had me trying to change micro steps, I don't even know what that is! They counseled me replace the xml, I don't know what that is even supposed to do and would never fiddle with it on my own. Well I followed their directions and got no movements at all. I am aware I did not correctly calibrate the axis correctly but I now know how to do it. I need your help in trying to get back Mach 3 to operating condition, I even deleted and reloaded Mach 3 to get a fresh start, that did not work. So, I need to be walked through configuring Mach 3 and getting back to square one. I apologize for any perceived redness, that was and is not intended at all. I intend on staying with this forum and only this forum.
Rik after reading through your posts here and on Vectric I believe it would be best if you have someone local to you to actually go to your location and set up your system.
Good luck
No, no, don't stop helping me. I know I can be obstinate and a jerk, and I react from my gut at times. So please don't give up on me, I am my own worst enemy.
By bumbling through the tabs I found a way to get it running again, something to do with "operator". I'm sure the settings you suggested for me are there I just have to find it.
Perseverance my friend. I spent a good portion of Friday trying to remember how I ran setup on my hobby router. OK I have CRS(can't remember sh*t). I work with .dxf files strictly and cad/cam.
Being over 60 has made me appreciate brain food. Finally I did get it all lined up correct. But, it took a few hours of wasted time. So keep a few sharp pencils, stock up on sticky pads and don't ever give up.
I wrote it down again this time so I could find it!!! Don't ever give up. Take a few breaks walk away then get right back into your resolve. The rewards are endless.