Is this still available?

Selling is the worst! I have a bunch of stuff I should sell, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let some hinky scrounger with face tattoos, body odor, and daily appointments with a parole officer see what's in my shop for a couple of twenties and a square foot of floor space. I prefer the parking lot meetings, but negotiating to that point is laborious and oft fruitless as well. I miss the old days.
I buy much more than I sell on FBMP, and get some pretty good deals, sometimes free. I used to get upset sometimes, but now just take the attitude if I get it fine, if not that's fine too. I have three items up for sale at present, and will see how that goes, but don't have time to get upset about that either. May have to try Craigs List again, been a few years since I've used it. Mike
I've been selling a lot on FB lately. Most replies are more than just the "Is it available", but I reply to all of them. Sometimes, after an actual exchange of info, the conversation goes cold. After a few days I will reply with "Still interested?" A couple of times this has resulted in a sale. Patience and perseverance.
I’m going to try Eddydes line.

My preference is Ebay. A person actually has to do something to send a message, and they can make as many offers as they like.

Facebook’s setup just encourages random folks to click a button with no actual interest in buying.
And the problem isn't that people ask "is it still available?" - the problem is that they ask, and then you never hear from them again after you confirm that the item is still available.
Happens all the time . I don't respond as I state in the ad ............." If you see it , it is still available , so don't ask " . :grin:

Just had a nice battle with an ash hole because my tractor didn't have decals . :rolleyes: I told him to buy his own decals .
It's annoying because they ask if it's still available, then go quiet when you promptly respond in the affirmative. My favorite are the tire kickers that come back to you every couple of hours with a question, requests for more pictures, etc, then finally offer you an extreme lowball, even when the ad says 'firm'. I really think that's some sort of strategy.

It's not just FB either, it's anyplace you list, except Craigslist which no longer seems to attract any legitimate buyers, just scammers.

I only buy on Craigslist. I don't have a faceplant account. I might have to, since garage sale notices seemed to have disappeared except on faceplant. I'll see a garage sale, and say I didn't see that on and they will tell me they only put it on faceplant. is free, and allows people like me who don't want to do fb to be alerted.
Happens all the time . I don't respond as I state in the ad ............." If you see it , it is still available , so don't ask " . :grin:

Just had a nice battle with an ash hole because my tractor didn't have decals . :rolleyes: I told him to buy his own decals .
maybe the ahole thought you made a cloned green swamp thing?
I think FBMP (well, the whole site for that matter) is a total joke, and although I browse I very rarely buy or sell there.

Besides as usual and like the other sites being full of scammers, the sellers and buyers for that matter are just untrustworthy. It has to be a smoking deal and local or I just forget it.

Even when you say I'll take it can I come get it now, and they say yes, they sell it to the first one that shows with cash. I broke my own rule on being local recently. I had one a couple weeks ago that was listed at 8:30 PM. I responded within an hour and told him I would pick it up the next morning but explained it was a 90 minute drive and asked to confirm, which he did and gave address and phone number. The next morning I hit the road at 6:30 AM after tapping the ATM, get halfway there and receive a text that it was sold. I call the guy and he doesn't answer, I text and say you're kidding right? Reply: sorry it's sold. I'm sure someone local showed up first or someone offered him more than asking price. That's all it takes for a FBMP seller to walk away from a deal they've agreed to.

On the selling side I see why it happens. How many times have you had a response that says I'll take it and after you send address and phone number they say OK coming now, and they don't? So what do people do? Sell to first that shows with cash. -Total joke. No ethics. No integrity. Who needs it? Guess I'm just old fashioned......not the way I roll.

So once in a blue moon if its local and not out of my way......that's the only reason I still browse.....maybe that and to see asking prices.

I just wont travel for items. I have mine set for 20 miles. Why do I get ads 3 states away? My latest rule is if a female has the ad I don't pursue it. I am sure that is sexist but I am usually buying power tools. What model, does it run, is it a belt drive saw, rtc. Can't tell me. Wanna meet in some dam parking lot. Say I can come after 4 PM. I say I will be there at 4:30, What's the address? Reply at 8 the next morning. I was interested in some heaters. daughter of owner was posting them. When I said I wanted one for $50 (both were priced for $50) she raised tie price of the other to $70, I guess because there was interest. I got there, talked to the father, he wanted to sell me the other heater. I said no, he said he only wanted $30 for it. Best to be dealing with the actual owner. I did buy a table saw from a lady born in 1954, her father bought it new in 1954. she used it herself since a kid.
I would agree with others that in many cases it’s a necessary question for any serious buyer. I used to look at Facebook and Craigslist regularly when searching for a machine. At one time it was so bad that 80% or more of the ads were left standing when the machine had been sold weeks or months before.

It was a total waste of time to continue using these platforms as potential sources for machines or tooling. I still look there occasionally but rarely call on anything that’s been listed for more than a week or so unless there are updates on the listing.