Is this a gap bed Griz? G4003


Mark Silva
H-M Supporter Gold Member
Apr 30, 2015
Doesn't this look like a gap bed to you? Funny they don't mention it in any of the online advertising.
Doesn't seem to be in the manual either.
Not that I was planning to buy one, but it seems odd they wouldn't mention it
Couple of their other models- same thing- looks like it's there but not mentioned
Any of you have one of these? Inquiring minds want to know...


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Old photo maybe. The photo of my G0709 shows what looks like a gap in the ways, but my new G0709 has no gap in the ways and on the crate was printed No Gap. I noticed the same thing, no mention of a gap yet it looked like it had one. Maybe they are doing away with the gap now to save money.
Could be- I guess I'd need to ask Grizzly for a picture of a current model to know for sure
I don’t have a grizzly, but both of my shenwai SW900B’s are gap beds, just like the lathe pictured
I had a G4002. It was a gap bed. I never took it out due to superstition. But yeah, it was there. It’s strange they’ve removed that detail. It used to be advertised as a gap bed gear head lathe. I doubt they changed anything.
I've often wondered how many of us have ever taken the filler section out of our gap bed lathes.
I haven't on my 1440.
I had a Bolton with a gap. It had been dropped prior to my ownership. It came out while driving down the highway, well half of it.

I want back and found it on the side of hwy 101.

Didn’t quite know how to fix it so I sent it off to a member on here. Never saw it again and I can honestly say it’s the only time I’ve had any trouble dealing with fellow members. He probably got busy, or couldn’t deal with the inferior Bolton casting, whatever.

Finally decided to sell the machine as-is for $500. Gap bed without the gap isn’t very useful. I guess it’s a good feature but probably half the time you’d use it you’ll want a bigger machine anyway.

Now, those Italian lathes that have a gap but run the carriage on a different set of ways. Those are the bees knees.

Actually I'd probably snap one of those machines up if one came around- that's why I was asking. I'd use the gap for sure.
Not sure if I'd buy one new though
I sent off a message to Grizzly- we shall see
Thanks everyone
I like my Tida built Samson branded 12x36 lathe, it's a great size for the home shop I think and also probably the same builder as the older machines in question here.
