Is Anyone Able To Identify These Collets??


Active User
Jul 11, 2014
Are you able to identify these collets? I purchased these collets off E-bay a month or two back. I really didn't want them but thought I would put in the minimum bid ($1.25) just to see how high it went. Well... it went to $1.25. So I won them for my $1.25 and shipping about $30 all together. There were a half dozen or so of the type in the first two photos

SANY0013.JPGSANY0012.JPGHardinge 1M7-48-B1 or 0526C

and 60 or so plus some odds and ends of the type shown in the second series of photos.

SANY0014.JPGSANY0015.JPGSANY0016.JPGHardinge C1M79

There is clearly a Alphanumeric designation on these two types of collets but look as I might and diligently researching on the internet I have been unable to find them listed anywhere. Does anyone know what type they are. BTW, they are on 3/16" graph paper if that helps to give you some dimensional info.

I can't even resell them without knowing what to call them. I may end up making a collet holder for them like I did for my #00 collets and use them on the lathe or mill, perhaps with my spin indexer.

Thank You for any light you may shed on my question

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Look like Brown & Sharpe screw machine collets. What's the overall length and diameter at the small end?
Look like Brown & Sharpe screw machine collets. What's the overall length and diameter at the small end?

Not at home where I could 'Mic' them but the approx. diameter at the small end is .9375" and the overall length, again approx. is 2.4375". The grid paper is in 3/16" squares.

I'll put the Mic on them when I get home this evening.
The first collet on the left is a #10, the middle collet is a #10SC and the one on the right is my mystery collet.

The 10 mics .931" dia.
The 10SC mics .935" dia
The mystery collet mics at .935 dia also.

All three scale just at 2.5" long give or take a couple of thousandths I suppose since I didn't mic the length.

So..even though it looks somewhat different I'll say its a form of 10SC.

