is 12 bolts to mutch ?


Active User
Jul 7, 2012
bought some 6" LO backplates had a vertex chuck 200 mm + degree plate (came of a broken rotary table )

the 6"is way to small for that chuck ,so how to modify have an other chuck and have a degree wheel in one

but how to hold the small backplate to the 200 mm chuck 4-6 -8 m8 bolts . i had 12 high grade ,8 hex bolt from another
trash found so why not go for 12 LOL

so now i only need to finish the front side an slam the chuck on


I think you need a few more, just to make sure it doesn't fall off:roflmao:
I dont think 12 bolts is too mutch whatsoever. My wife on the other hand..........

Cheers Phil
For some strange reason Phil, I thought of you right off the bat when I saw this post. Yup... too much!! :roflmao:
No, twelve screws is too many, with that many elliptical bores you have weakened the structural integrity of the crystalline structure of the cast iron.

Just kidding!

Well, I'll put it like this - if your chuck comes off now, you have a serious problem!
12 Bolts, Silly boy......I don't think Momma complains either does she?

Every other bolt should be left hand thread just in case you decide to move north or south of the equator :lmao:
I've driven a Dodge van around with few lug nuts missing. So, . . . you should be okay. :whistle: