Inside hole deburing


Does anyone have a better idea of how to debur The inside of these holes.

This is my current arseonl

The hole is .312 and 2.400 down on 1" 14ga sq tube.

Thanks Danny
kind of a tight hole for them, but they can work.
i'll usually only put a small angle from vertical when first going round the hole
then i make a second swipe at a larger angle from vertical.

a countersink and a drill, would be another way to skin the cat too (EDIT: DUH, should have read better- "inside the hole")
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Look in MSC catalog perhaps; I once had a deburring tool that would do that, it had a cutter that would deburr the outside, and when pushed into the hole, the cutter would retract into the shank and once inside and pulled back, it would deburr the inside, it was used in a drill press.
Look in MSC catalog perhaps; I once had a deburring tool that would do that, it had a cutter that would deburr the outside, and when pushed into the hole, the cutter would retract into the shank and once inside and pulled back, it would deburr the inside, it was used in a drill press.
That is exactly what I need! Now how the Heck Will I find it. Lol

Automatic something, something ,something. Haha
Benmychree, I found a cogsdill tool that looked better.its ordered and I owe you a cold beverage or 12 if you get to east TN.

Can't believe I've been doing it the hard way all these years.all I had to do was ask.

Thanks again, Danny