ID This Tool?


Active User
Good morning.
Once again I picked up a tool out of the local tool suppliers bargain bin. He didn't know what it is but it looked useful and the price was right. It has the name KOPAL on the case and the tool. The angled edges are both sharpened on alternate sides. Any ideas?


[Attachment 43008]
[Attachment 43010]
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Thanks for the ID, Tony.
Now my question is, how is it used and held? I used it for de burring a hole but I just hand held it. Not terribly safe.
Chuck, I had to click them as links to see them, and now I see that the post has been edited. No longer are they links. I guess Nelson is working on it.

Al, the company that makes them has holders, but they are machine holders to cut chamfers, not hand held tools. You could make a holder for them, I'm sure.
Tony, I did some research today and found out they are replaceable cutter on a rotating assembly. The machine is to chamfer tubing and pipe. There are different cutting angles for different material. But I am thinking same like you. I'm sue I can make a holder for the QCTP or something. Thanks.