I need to mill some small parts on bf30l ,need help for tool


Jul 26, 2017
parts are for small engine part need to mill 0.2 mm slots and 0.4 i can get some carbide tools for it
(in 3mm and 6mm sizes )
but i don't know how will they fit in iso30 mount
i see people use some addon that goes inside of er like slot then mill in that addon for more precision i think
but don't know name of that addon
so anyone can help me on end how to use these micro mills in big mill ?
material is mild steel (st37/16mo3 like ,got free material in these so :) )
I'm just guessing but you could probably get an er collet with a straight shank to fit your mill. My next question is do you have enough rpm's to run small endmills. I'm not familiar with the mill you have.
Per above, I would look at the ER chucks as the collets usually can hold a range of sizes and are very common and reasonably priced in the metric increments. You could also hold an ER collet holder in a standard chuck/collet. This is just an example below that of a straight shank ER16 collet holder. There are a number of other small collet types that are held with a straight shank and can give you some extension and also have a small diameter.

ER Collet Length Clamping Range
ER-16 27.5 mm (1.08") 0.5—9 mm (0.020—0.354")
ER-20 31.5 mm (1.24") 1—13 mm (0.039—0.512")
ER-25 34 mm (1.34") 1—16 mm (0.039—0.630")
Runout on your machine would be critical for end mills that small. Even 2 micron runout would be 10% of the smaller end mill, Carbide end mills that size will break if you look at them funny. The smallest carbide end mill that I run is .26mm. I have some .2 mm end mills but have not had the courage to run them yet. I run that at 10,000 rpm and around 10 ipm as a final pass, milling printed circuit boards. I use ER20 collets for holding my end mills. Most of my small end mills have 1/8" ( 3.18 mm) shanks The .2 mm end mills have 1mm shanks.

You haven't said how deep your slot will be. Milling a slot can be difficult for larger end mills because you're cutting both sides at once.
so for that pen i need 16mm er and i pull air connector from outside trough iso30 spindle in to pen ?
that addon i saw looked to me like these addons to make taps that goes directly in iso30 and slow down how much it needed
just run faster then mill by video ,like it have some gears inside that speed ups
must cost arm & leg
will get pen first then will cry here again if don't work :)

max rpm on mine is 50-3000 by specs on 1.5hp motor
depth for slot is on 0.2mm - 0.52mm and 0.9mm on 0.4 mill

thanks for advices and help
Can you not use a slitting saw instead? Those are extremely narrow slots
hmm that bigger no ,is was inside slot
but these small ones i can ,is there saw blades with that thin cut ?