[Newbie] HSS reamer blanks


H-M Supporter - Diamond Member
H-M Lifetime Diamond Member
Nov 29, 2020
So I recently came across what I felt like was a bargain price for about 40 pieces of varying diameter sized USA made HSS reamer blanks that are ground. They range from ~3/8” to
1-1/16”. I haven’t measured them, as I recall there’s a rule about reamer size being a little over or under the actual marked size?? Most are 6” in length (please, reframe from any lame jokes… Make them hilarious ;)
Anywho, my question to all the wonderful minds out here is, what would you do with them? Since I’m still wet behind my ear in the hobby, I’ve got a couple of thoughts about what to make with some of them. Things like thread taps/dies, boring bars, gage pins. That’s it, I’m tapped out for ideas. For those that supply interesting ideas, bonus points get assigned
Reamers that are over or under nominal size are usually marked as such. As to what to do with them, they make excellent boring bars for the lathe. They can also be used to make D drills. I save all my broken taps and worn reamer for such purposes.