How would you round out a 5 sided object?


H-M Supporter - Silver Member
H-M Supporter - Silver Member
May 13, 2021
I tore the guts out of an A/C compressor with 5/10 pistons. I want to round out the material around the bearing for some future use, but mostly, this is an exercise and learning opportunity.
* My lathe jaws are too large to fit in the hole
* 5 sides so I can't figure out how to fit it in my 4-jaw
* I can't figure out how to mount it in my rotary table and get it centered
So far, this is a fun puzzle, but I'm about to clamp the device in a vice and spin it with a flap disc on my angle grinder, but I'm not a neanderthal, or at least I don't want to be.
How would you turn this star-shape into a round shape? Pictured is one that I've been working on by milling the sides, one at a time, around and around, and the other, I haven't started on yet.
+1 on pressing out the bearing and making an arbor to fit. That's how it would be done in the industry.
Yes, an arbor will do nicely. If not removing the bearings, put a nut in your three jaw and mount the piece on a bolt (turned to fit the bearing) and tighten the bejesus out of it.
Got it done. When I went to pull the bearing, I realized that the blind bearing puller itself would make a reasonable arbor (or whatever it's called). Not concentric, but good enough that I can now find center and fix to the table.
Thanks for all the ideas!


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